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02nd September, Monday, 2024

Language: English

Place: online

Zoom Link is Below the text

The ThetaHealing® meditation training technique, a spiritual philosophy that supports the development and rise of consciousness, body, and soul, is introduced during this session.

On the occasion of the introductory talk, the essence of this modality will be briefly reviewed in one hour, which will be concluded by meditation with "downloads" giving a taste of the practical application.

Do you know that you see the world through the imprints of several different types of belief systems and the way you perceive reality in your mind?


Have you ever wondered why you accept the above as absolute truths?


Are you aware of how your feelings and emotions drive a significant part of your decisions?


The ThetaHealing® technique is an effective self-improvement method that allows us to learn a versatile, in-depth, self-contained meditation technique.

A system of spiritual philosophy that allows us to find ourselves and also connects us with the all-encompassing life force.

It makes us remember our internal truths, and see our half-truths, programs, belief systems, etc. in a new light, in which we become able to change our emotions and our perceptions of what is thought to be "reality".

"The ThetaHealing® technique is a meditation technique utilizing a spiritual philosophy with the purpose of improving in mind, body and spirit while getting closer to the Creator of All That Is. It is a focused prayer to the Creator and allows you to train your mind, body and spirit to clear limiting beliefs and live life with positive thoughts, developing virtues in all that we do. Through meditation and prayer, the ThetaHealing® Technique creates a positive lifestyle.

The ThetaHealing® technique is always taught to be used with conventional medicine. It teaches how to put to use one's own natural intuition, relying upon the unconditional love of the Creator Of All That Is to do the actual “work.” We believe by focused prayer utilizing a “Theta” and "delta" brainwave (incorporating physics and quantum physics), you can actually witness the Creator Of All That Is creates instantaneous physical and emotional wellbeing.

We have learned that through the ThetaHealing® Technique, intuitive abilities can be used to bring about spontaneous changes and physical and emotional well-being.

Come and tune into a 1-hour live intro with meditation and learn more about this fascinating modality if you feel the call in your heart.

See you soon!


Topic: OnLine ThetaHealing® Intro English
Time: 2nd September, 2024, 21:00-22:20 CET

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