Quick "Fixes"


Location: Kamadeva, 1061 Budapest, Paulay Ede utca 18. III./15

During the"Quick Fixes", in 15-20 minutes, along with the "reading" of the individual, we show the inner truth related to the given topic (which we are running away from), and with ThétaHealing® downloads, we give an initial push to start the processing or to temporarily "soothe" it.

The purpose of these occasions is to confront our subjects that poison and make our lives bitter, yet we don't want to look at them or, for some reason, we are unable to articulate them to ourselves. A safe and supportive environment helps to resolve paralysis and can give us the boost we need to finally start on the path of wanting to change, a little more collected, calmer, and filled with certainty that there is a solution to our particular topic.

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