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Using the ThetaHealing® technique, I can help you confront your feelings that you find difficult to talk about or understand or you cannot comprehend what they might be about.

I provide active participation in the "winding up" and transformation of blocking emotional threads resulting in the dissolving of previously triggering situations, and in wiring new "reaction patterns"  into your brain. The effects of these changes quickly become visible and tangible in your life.

Also, I assist for

  • restoring focus to what matters to you;
  • having clearer insights into your inner motivations as a result
  • harmonizing desires and actions closer to one another (self-deception vs. what my heart really wants);
  • facing your blocking emotions (but only if you want to) and initiating new actions;
  • feeling emotions that require the most power and courage;
  • communicating freely the things that matter to you (the most), and
  • facing your inner desires and making them a reality.

Depending on one’s belief systems, solutions, and transformations, can also have positive results, and significant changes in our physical body as well.

Meetings can be conducted both online and by telephone with a high degree of efficiency and security. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have via "the chat" service of the site, or via

After confirming your order you will be contacted the same day or within 24 hours at the latest to set an appointment.

Choose a ThetaHealing® Instructor/Consultant as your soul tells you who the right person is for you let it be me, or someone else.

Thank you for your trust.

More details at the bottom: click.

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Open for registration

Our event on InterNations about "10 Tips for Healing Your Inner Child" went unexpectedly well and over 40 minutes of the original timeframe. It felt delightful providing support for those present, and I was grateful for the opportunity to be there all together, co-creating that reality.

The presentation was interactive, engaging the audience to be present and connect with themselves. 

Based on the supportive responses, I felt something had to follow up on this event. This is how this 4-week mini-series of 2-3-hour sessions was created.

 2024, 2nd July, Tuesday at 17:00-20:00 CET time 

 2024, 8th July, Tuesday at 17:00-20:00 CET time 

 2024, 16th July, Tuesday at 17:00-20:00 CET time 

 2024, 23 July, Tuesday at 17:00-20:00 CET time  

The online event's Zoom link will be shared with those registered and cleared for participation.

Space is limited to 20 people.

During this upcoming 4-week workshop we are going to focus on the next:


Rediscover the existence of our inner child, whom we have disconnected while "growing up" and becoming "serious and very responsible citizens, family members, partners, etc.).


Go deep to understand the triggers that keep us from connecting with our inner child. (Many of us are blind to this type of "heritage" received during our early stages of childhood thus learning about our triggers can be of great value for deeper change.)


Discover how to connect with him or her. We have fears to even face with our inner self let us connect him or her. Reconnection needs bravery and strength to step up for ourselves and learn how to be present.


Understanding your inner child's needs and discovering how to let go of old patterns and replace them with new ones means integration. ThetaHealing downloads are energetic recalibrations that add immense and deep value to inner changes rapidly and profoundly. 

With ThetaHealing® downloads, we will reinforce all we have learned and understood about ourselves by connecting to universal consciousness and source energy. Further downloads within a short meditation guided at the end of each event will provide additional support for strengthening the changes and the learning process.

This workshop is for those who feel and believe, or are open to the idea, that we are more than 3-dimensional creatures, not only existing in the human body but in an energetic form.

It is always easier to work in a group, as the presence of others holds us more responsible for staying and remaining focused. Those who attend this event will share similar energies regarding personal experiences that provide us with a sense of security of being better understood, accepted, and felt.
During these 4 workshop sessions(one per week) we tune into our emotions and some beliefs that can sabotage us in healing our inner child.
With downloads (energetic packages from source energy), we will reinforce all we have learned and understood about ourselves, connecting to universal consciousness, and source energy. Further downloads within a short meditation guided at the end of each session will provide additional support for strengthening the changes, and the learning process.
This workshop is for those who feel, believe, and are open to the idea, that we are more than 3-dimensional creatures not existing in the human body only but in an energetic form.

If you feel the call, register or have questions via, or Viber/WhatsApp/telegram at +36 30 74 35 497.

Thank you for your trust and for choosing you.

You also might be interested in FB HElektra ThetaHealing InterNations



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Mindig úgy érezted, hogy voltak korábbi életeid, de nem tudtál mit csinálni ezekkel az érzésekkel?

Látod, hogy sok mindenhez lenne "érzéked", s nem tudod mihez kezdjél velük?

Van egy nagyon erős, visszatérő gondolat, kép a fejedben, amely egy másik korszakba húz, s úgy érzed, éltél abban a korszakban?

Elvágyódsz egy másik kontinensre, egy másik korba, úgy érzed nem tartozol a jelen életedhez?

Vonz az "előző életek" koncepciója?

Szívesen "bekacsintanál egy másik" életedbe?


A "Reinkarnáció - Utaztatás" egyszemélyes foglalkozás folyamán vissza tudunk tekinteni egy másik életbe, ahol megnézhetjük, hogy milyen tapasztalások mentén zajlottak a főbb események, akár negatív, akár pozitív hozadékkal bírtak.

A "történet" megtekintése választ tud adni korábban megmagyarázhatatlan érzéseinkre és gondolatainkra, esetleges hitrendszereinkre.

A ThétaHealing elemeit beemelve az foglalkozás folyamán először kapcsolódunk a teremtő térhez, és az "innen kapott iránymutatás" mentén érkező életbe "utazunk vissza".

A foglalkozás folyamán a csakráinkat támogató kristályokat is használunk, amelyek további segítő energiákat tesznek hozzá a folyamathoz.

A megmutatkozó életleckék tanulságait a ThétaHealing eszközrendszere mentén ("letöltésekkel") feloldjuk és a tanult erényeket egy magasabb "szinten" integráljuk jelen életünkbe.

A lap alján további információk olvashatók az utaztatáshoz használt kristályokról.

Időtartam: 90perc

Helyszín: XVIII. kerület, Szarvas Csárda tér

Belvárosi helyszín esetén az alapdíj: 20.000Ft, amely az adott helység időarányos bérleti díjával egészül még ki.

(MagnetHáz/Kodály Körönd, Agora/Kálvin tér)

Időpont Foglalás: +36 30 7435 497




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Sokszor érzed úgy, hogy nem vagy egyedül a szobában, pedig senki sincs ott?

Elhagyatott helyeken, épületekben különleges érzés kerít hatalmába?

Képes vagy érzékelni "jelenlétet" és megriaszt?

Elvesztettél egy számodra fontos személyt?

Úgy érzed rendezni valód van valamelyik eltávozott ismerősöddel és ezt "pótolni" szeretnéd?

Pusztán vonz a téma?


Amennyiben választ, vagy csak megnyugvást keresel a fenti kérdésekre és szeretnél egy biztonságos térben támogatást kapni egy esetleges "kapcsolódáshoz" a feltétel nélküli szeretet terén keresztül, kérj egy tájékoztató hívást a témában a + 36 30 7435 497-es telefonszámon. 

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Available: In-Person

Duration: 3 Consecutive Days

Dates:  2024

from 9:30-16:30


The Advanced ThetaHealing® Seminar expands the information of the Basic Seminar to encompass an in-depth understanding of the Seven Planes of Existence that surround us.

The student will learn how to clear old resentments, vows, and commitments holding them back. The student will discover how to heal with the “Baby in the Womb” and “Healing the Broken Soul” exercises. The student receives Feelings in the form of downloads (forty pages(!)) executed by the Instructor that will bring profound healing and enlightenment to them.

This seminar is a delightful experience as students are filled with many new and positive feelings such as knowing how to appreciate the now and what self-acceptance feels like from the Seventh Plane.

As a student of ThetaHealingg®, you will continue learning and mastering belief work, enhance your knowledge on downloads, and learn how to differentiate between the different planes of existence and the knowledge in each plane through various exercises building on the information learned in the basic practitioner class.

With the completion of the Advanced Practitioner Seminar, you will have developed a strong foundation in the basics of ThetaHealing®.

Prerequisites: Basic DNA Practitioners

Seminar Includes: Advanced ThetaHealing® All That Is & ThetaHealing® Advanced Manual
Duration: 3 consecutive days.


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Next seminar: In person

Language: English/Greek

Duration: 3 Consecutive Days

Dates: 4-7, July 2024

from 11:00-19:00 EEST


Athens, Greece

Currency: to see the fee in HUF, EUR or USD, change the currency setting at the top right side of the webpage by clicking on the "Globe" symbol, and then (below the flag symbols) on the relevant currency reference.

Official seminar launch site:


Do you believe you are more than a "three-dimensional reality" in the form of flesh?

Do you feel like you have special abilities and you perceive "over the line" things better than others, but you don't know what to do about them?

Do you just want to feel that you can manage your feelings and shape your thoughts accordingly?

Is it appealing to you to think differently, just as being able to see behind certain things and handle them while developing, thriving, and becoming your own best friend is?

Then ThetaHealing is for you.

Available: Online or In-Person in Hungary. Open to Travel.
Duration: 3 Consecutive Days

The Basic DNA introduces the ThetaHealing techniques and focuses on activating 12 strands of DNA within each participant.
The heart of this seminar is the practice of techniques that allow you to change life patterns held in place by core, genetic, historic and soul beliefs, either self-inflicted or externally imposed.
The students experience an opening to the Unconditional Love of the Creator. The student will learn to identify his/her own beliefs as well as to practice pulling them for others in the seminar. This practice can quickly reveal belief systems, showing the body how to replace limiting beliefs or feelings with positive ones.


Other topics and exercises include:

  • learn why we create things in our life, and what we learn from it
  • the 5 brainwaves: Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta, and Gamma
  • the four levels of belief systems
  • how our thoughts and words affect our lives
  • we learn why we create things in our lives and what we learn from them
  • how to find our limiting belief systems hidden in our subconscious
  • how they hinder our subconscious limiting belief systems and feelings
  • the exploration of limiting feelings in our subconscious
  • how to replace restrictive belief systems with positive belief systems
  • how to download positive belief systems and feelings to improve our lives
  • how we align the conscious and subconscious levels to achieve our goals
  • activating our intuitive abilities
  • what is the muscle/kinesiology test and how to apply it
  • the introduction of conscious creation into our lives future readings
  • what the Seven Planes of Existence mean
  • the ability to connect with the Creator of the Universe
  • how to gain infinite knowledge and wisdom to improve our lives
  • how to bring abundance into our lives
  • how to let go of old relationships
  • how to attract our soul mate


The ThetaHealing® Basic DNA seminar is the first seminar to certify you as a ThetaHealing® Practitioner. The Basic DNA and Advanced DNA are the two main seminars that will give you the main tools to start as a ThetaHealer.

Prerequisites: Believing in Creation

The minimum number of participants is two.

Taking the class being the only student is possible though different terms may apply.

Seminar Materials: ThetaHealing® Book and ThetaHealing® Manual

The relevant manual is going to be sent out via digital form.


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